
  1. 2017, February 23, invited talk at RTE (Réseau Transport Electricité) | Versailles, France
  2. 2017, February 14, Invited talk at SIESTE | Mathématiques et composition musicale | ENS |Lyon
  3. 2017, January 19, Cyberlex 2017: AI, Myth or Reality? | Paris, France
  4. 2016, December 10, Constructive Machine Learning Workshop | NIPS, Barcelona, Spain
  5. 2016, December 2, AI and Music | Digital Tech Rennes, Renns, France
  6. 2016, November 3, Extending a composer’s creativity | KIKK Festival, Namur, Belgium
  7. 2016, October 27, Intensive Science, Talks, demos and concert | La Gaité Lyrique, Paris, France
  8. 2016, September 20, Musique et IA | nantes Difital Week, nantes, France
  9. 2016, September 16, ZIF Workshop: from Computational Creativity to Creativity Science | Bielefeld, Germany
  10. 2016, September 17-24, Un ordinateur musicien | Cerisy, France
  11. 2016, June 23-24, Talk at the Symposium “Quand la guitare [s’]électrise !” (in French) | Paris, France
  12. 2016, June 16, Invited talk at the LIPADE Open Day: “The Challenges and Opportunities of Creativity Research” | download the program, Grenoble, France
  13. 2016, March 14, Invited talk at “La Semaine du Cerveau” with the talk “Créativité artificielle” (in French) | check the program, Grenoble, France
  14. 2016, February 12, Invited talk at LIFT Conference: Computational Creativity – will artificial intelligence replace your favourite human artist? | Geneva, Switzerland
  15. 2016, February 5, Invited talk at Rencontres Arts & Sciences : Neurosciences, Epistémologie et nouveaux Paradigmes (in French) | download the program, Paris, France
  16. 2015, November 13, Invited talk at Musimorphoses | download the program, Paris, France
  17. 2015, October 8, Invited talk at the Pisa Internet Festival, Pisa, Italy
  18. 2015, September 13, Invited talk at the Kreyon Day, Rome, Italy
  19. 2015, September 8-11, Invited talk at EPIA 2015, Coimbra, Portugal
  20. 2015, July 6-11, Invited talk at ICML 2015 (International Conference on Machine Learning), Lille, France
  21. 2015, June 23, Keynote at the “Workshop on Cultural & Social Analytics”, Imperial College, London, UK
  22. 2015, June 22, Invited talk, STARTS Symposium BOZAR, Brussels, Belgium
  23. 2015, June 18, ERC5000 celebration: Flow Machines by François Pachet generate the European Anthem in several different styles, Brussels, Belgium (watch the video)
  24. 2015, May 21, Invited talk, Colloquium Jacques Morgenstern, Inria Sophia Antipolis – Méditerranée, Nice, France
  25. 2015, April 14, François Pachet awarded as UPMC talent 2014, Paris, France
  26. 2015, February 4-8, Workshop: Capturing the style of Brazilian musicians, Porto Musical, Recife, Brazil
  27. 2014, November 21, Colloque: nouveaux gestes et langages instrumentaux, ArsMusica, Brussels, Belgium
  28. 2014, November 18 Seminar on “Génération de séquences imitatives sous contraintes globales”, Rencontres Nationales des Systèmes Complexes 2014, Mulhouse, France
  29. 2014, October 30, Music Presentation by François Pachet and Marco Marchini, Impakt Festival, Utrecht, the Netherlands
  30. 2014, October 2nd, Eccai Fellows presentation at AFIA, Association française pour l’Intelligence Artificielle
  31. 2014, September 26-27, International Jazzomat Workshop, Weimar, Germany
  32. 2014, September 22nd, CSL Open House at MOMA, NY
  33. 2014, July 4th, Invited talk at RFIA 2014, Rouen, France (in French)
  34. 2014, June 18-20th, Flow Machines Workshop, UPMC, Paris, France
  35. 2014, June 11th, Non-Conformant Harmonization: The Real Book in the Style of Take 6 presented at the 5th International Conference on Computational Creativity, Ljubljana, Slovenia (watch the video)
  36. 2014, June 6th, Invited talk at PAAMS 2014, Salamanca, Spain
  37. 2014, May 22nd, Invited talk at CPAIOR 2014, Cork, Ireland
  38. 2014, 3rd of April, Invited talk at the Ateliers du Quartier de la Création, Nantes, France (watch the talk | regarder la vidéo)
  39. 2013, 6-7 December, Two-day seminar at the Universidade Catolica do Porto, PhD Program on Science and Technology of Arts (Programa de Doutoramento em Ciência e Tecnologia das Artes), Porto, Portugal
  40. 2013, 13-15 November, Invited talk to ADT2013 3rd International Conference on Algorithmic Decision Theory, Brussels, Belgium
  41. 2013, 5 November, Invited keynote on “Style manipulation as a creative device” at International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR), Curitiba, Brasil
  42. 2013, 4-8 November, Participation with two papers to the International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR), Curitiba, Brasil
  43. 2013, 4th of November, Tutorial at ISMIR 2013 Why is Brazilian Guitar Interesting?, Curitiba, Brasil
  44. 2013, 29th September, Participation to the MIC Conference, Bologna, Italy
  45. 2013, 15-20th September, Participation to the Summer School “Music and the Origins of Language”, Cortona, Italy
  46. 2013, 15th July, Presentation at AAAI 2013 of a paper on Meter and Markov Constraints
  47. 2013, 3rd July, keynote presentation, WIAMIS 2013
  48. 2013, 12th June, Invited talk on “Creativity and manipulation of style in music and literature”, DinAmicI, Corinaldo, Italy
  49. 2013, 4th June, Invited talk at Institut Bull about “créativité et style en musique et littérature
  50. 2013, Avril, Nantes, Invited Talk at LINA – Laboratoire d’Informatique de Nantes Atlantique
  51. 2013, February, Nantes, Invited Talk at ENS – Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan
  52. 2012, December, Lyon, Invited Talk at TICE 2012
  53. 2012, December, Barcelona, PRAISE Workshop
  54. 2012, November, European Commission, Horizon 2020 consultation meeting on creativity and ICT, Bruxelles
  55. 2012, October, Launch of the book “Computers and Creativity“, University of London (browse pictures)
  56. 2012, October, Comment les ordinateurs peuvent-ils nous rendre plus créatifs? (watch the video) Journée Science et Musique, Rennes, France
  57. 2012, October, Jazz Tutorial, ISMIR Conference, Porto, Portugal
  58. 2012, October, PRAISE Meeting (Practice and peRformance Analysis Inspiring Social Education), Barcelona, Spain
  59. 2012, August,: “Markov Constraints for Generating Lyrics with Style“, ECAI 2012, Montpellier
  60. 2012, August, ” Beyond minus ones: VirtualBand“, SIGGRAPH 2012, Los Angeles, USA