- 2017, February 23, invited talk at RTE (Réseau Transport Electricité) | Versailles, France
- 2017, February 14, Invited talk at SIESTE | Mathématiques et composition musicale | ENS |Lyon
- 2017, January 19, Cyberlex 2017: AI, Myth or Reality? | Paris, France
- 2016, December 10, Constructive Machine Learning Workshop | NIPS, Barcelona, Spain
- 2016, December 2, AI and Music | Digital Tech Rennes, Renns, France
- 2016, November 3, Extending a composer’s creativity | KIKK Festival, Namur, Belgium
- 2016, October 27, Intensive Science, Talks, demos and concert | La Gaité Lyrique, Paris, France
- 2016, September 20, Musique et IA | nantes Difital Week, nantes, France
- 2016, September 16, ZIF Workshop: from Computational Creativity to Creativity Science | Bielefeld, Germany
- 2016, September 17-24, Un ordinateur musicien | Cerisy, France
- 2016, June 23-24, Talk at the Symposium “Quand la guitare [s’]électrise !” (in French) | Paris, France
- 2016, June 16, Invited talk at the LIPADE Open Day: “The Challenges and Opportunities of Creativity Research” | download the program, Grenoble, France
- 2016, March 14, Invited talk at “La Semaine du Cerveau” with the talk “Créativité artificielle” (in French) | check the program, Grenoble, France
- 2016, February 12, Invited talk at LIFT Conference: Computational Creativity – will artificial intelligence replace your favourite human artist? | Geneva, Switzerland
- 2016, February 5, Invited talk at Rencontres Arts & Sciences : Neurosciences, Epistémologie et nouveaux Paradigmes (in French) | download the program, Paris, France
- 2015, November 13, Invited talk at Musimorphoses | download the program, Paris, France
- 2015, October 8, Invited talk at the Pisa Internet Festival, Pisa, Italy
- 2015, September 13, Invited talk at the Kreyon Day, Rome, Italy
- 2015, September 8-11, Invited talk at EPIA 2015, Coimbra, Portugal
- 2015, July 6-11, Invited talk at ICML 2015 (International Conference on Machine Learning), Lille, France
- 2015, June 23, Keynote at the “Workshop on Cultural & Social Analytics”, Imperial College, London, UK
- 2015, June 22, Invited talk, STARTS Symposium BOZAR, Brussels, Belgium
- 2015, June 18, ERC5000 celebration: Flow Machines by François Pachet generate the European Anthem in several different styles, Brussels, Belgium (watch the video)
- 2015, May 21, Invited talk, Colloquium Jacques Morgenstern, Inria Sophia Antipolis – Méditerranée, Nice, France
- 2015, April 14, François Pachet awarded as UPMC talent 2014, Paris, France
- 2015, February 4-8, Workshop: Capturing the style of Brazilian musicians, Porto Musical, Recife, Brazil
- 2014, November 21, Colloque: nouveaux gestes et langages instrumentaux, ArsMusica, Brussels, Belgium
- 2014, November 18 Seminar on “Génération de séquences imitatives sous contraintes globales”, Rencontres Nationales des Systèmes Complexes 2014, Mulhouse, France
- 2014, October 30, Music Presentation by François Pachet and Marco Marchini, Impakt Festival, Utrecht, the Netherlands
- 2014, October 2nd, Eccai Fellows presentation at AFIA, Association française pour l’Intelligence Artificielle
- 2014, September 26-27, International Jazzomat Workshop, Weimar, Germany
- 2014, September 22nd, CSL Open House at MOMA, NY
- 2014, July 4th, Invited talk at RFIA 2014, Rouen, France (in French)
- 2014, June 18-20th, Flow Machines Workshop, UPMC, Paris, France
- 2014, June 11th, Non-Conformant Harmonization: The Real Book in the Style of Take 6 presented at the 5th International Conference on Computational Creativity, Ljubljana, Slovenia (watch the video)
- 2014, June 6th, Invited talk at PAAMS 2014, Salamanca, Spain
- 2014, May 22nd, Invited talk at CPAIOR 2014, Cork, Ireland
- 2014, 3rd of April, Invited talk at the Ateliers du Quartier de la Création, Nantes, France (watch the talk | regarder la vidéo)
- 2013, 6-7 December, Two-day seminar at the Universidade Catolica do Porto, PhD Program on Science and Technology of Arts (Programa de Doutoramento em Ciência e Tecnologia das Artes), Porto, Portugal
- 2013, 13-15 November, Invited talk to ADT2013 3rd International Conference on Algorithmic Decision Theory, Brussels, Belgium
- 2013, 5 November, Invited keynote on “Style manipulation as a creative device” at International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR), Curitiba, Brasil
- 2013, 4-8 November, Participation with two papers to the International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR), Curitiba, Brasil
- 2013, 4th of November, Tutorial at ISMIR 2013 Why is Brazilian Guitar Interesting?, Curitiba, Brasil
- 2013, 29th September, Participation to the MIC Conference, Bologna, Italy
- 2013, 15-20th September, Participation to the Summer School “Music and the Origins of Language”, Cortona, Italy
- 2013, 15th July, Presentation at AAAI 2013 of a paper on Meter and Markov Constraints
- 2013, 3rd July, keynote presentation, WIAMIS 2013
- 2013, 12th June, Invited talk on “Creativity and manipulation of style in music and literature”, DinAmicI, Corinaldo, Italy
- 2013, 4th June, Invited talk at Institut Bull about “créativité et style en musique et littérature
- 2013, Avril, Nantes, Invited Talk at LINA – Laboratoire d’Informatique de Nantes Atlantique
- 2013, February, Nantes, Invited Talk at ENS – Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan
- 2012, December, Lyon, Invited Talk at TICE 2012
- 2012, December, Barcelona, PRAISE Workshop
- 2012, November, European Commission, Horizon 2020 consultation meeting on creativity and ICT, Bruxelles
- 2012, October, Launch of the book “Computers and Creativity“, University of London (browse pictures)
- 2012, October, Comment les ordinateurs peuvent-ils nous rendre plus créatifs? (watch the video) Journée Science et Musique, Rennes, France
- 2012, October, Jazz Tutorial, ISMIR Conference, Porto, Portugal
- 2012, October, PRAISE Meeting (Practice and peRformance Analysis Inspiring Social Education), Barcelona, Spain
- 2012, August,: “Markov Constraints for Generating Lyrics with Style“, ECAI 2012, Montpellier
- 2012, August, ” Beyond minus ones: VirtualBand“, SIGGRAPH 2012, Los Angeles, USA