FlowComposer: composing with AI

FlowComposer is an AI tool based on machine learning: an intelligent assistant able to help you composing new songs in any style, automatically or interactively. 


FlowComposer allows to create a leadsheet (music score) with new harmonizations in a specific style.
Listen to the Re-harmonization examples.


With FlowComposer it is possible to create variation of a given melody.
Listen to to the Variation examples


Given a leadsheet, it is possible to render it as audio, as if a musician was playing it, with different instruments.

Listen to the Rendering examples 


  1. A. Papadopoulos, P. Roy and F. Pachet. Assisted Lead Sheet Composition using FlowComposer. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming – CP 2016, Toulouse, France (read and listen to the examples)
  2. Pachet, F. and Roy, P. Imitative Leadsheet Generation with User Constraints. 21st European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2014), pages 1077-1078, Prague (Czech Republic), August 2014