Creativity Research @ 6th annual LIPADE Open Day
“Creativity research: Challeges and Opportunity” is the keynote talk by François Pachet for the LIPADE Open Day.
The Lipade Open Day is taking place on June 16, 9am-5:30pm
Room Turing Conseil (7th floor), 45 rue des Saints Pères, Paris 75006
Download the Lipade Open Day program.
The computer science department of the Paris Descartes University, Laboratory of Informatics Paris Descartes is called LIPADE). LIPADE belongs to the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science. With its more than 60 members, LIPADE forms a vibrant and international research environment. Specifically, The lab carries out theoretical and applied research in the areas of intelligent agents and multi-agent systems, machine learning, computer vision and image processing, networks, databases and data analytics. Its members are actively participating in European and French research projects, as well as in collaborations with the industry. The LIPADE Open Day is an annual event, which aims to open the doors of the department to external visitors, showcase the research work by the students and professors of the department. It also host invited researchers, and foster a fruitful discussion on the current challenges in computer science.