From Computational Creativity to Creativity Science
From Computational Creativity to Creativity Science
Flow Machines participate to the workshop will pave the way for a new interdisciplinary research direction: Creativity Science. It gathers the world-leading researchers in computational creativity specialised in visual art, language, mathematics, and music. The computational creativity frameworks exploit the power of cognitive and psychological theories. For example, analogy and conceptual blending. As a result, scholars come from different disciplines as computer science, AI, cognitive science, musicology, psychology, and linguistics. Indeed, the workshop will cover the cognitive and psychological foundations of creativity, formal models of concept invention, social dimensions of creativity, the modelling of domain-dependent knowledge bases, and evaluation. The use cases will range from concept invention in mathematics and the automatic generation of metaphors in language to creative harmonisation in music and computer-generated visual art pieces. In conclusion, this workshop will lift (computational) creativity research to the next level, namely to Creativity Science.
ZiF Workshop – From Computational Creativity to Creativity Science
19 – 22 September 2016